Lately I have been directing educational theatre and workshops/readings. While neither of these produce material I can share here, please scroll to see some of my older work. In addition, click here to view my concept proposal for an immersive production of the Wild Party. This self-produced production would have played in the summer of 2020.

The Amish Project
January 2019 - Star Center Theatre
Director & Designer: Jesse Desrosiers
Associate Director: Noah Seppanen
Photographers: Noah Ponte & Eric Vogel
Bare stage, low-tech, ensemble-based: My step towards a Poor Theatre. This production's central focus was community - how it can be torn apart by tragedy and brought together to heal. We devised movement-based storytelling to fluidly construct and flow between scenes. A paint-delineated, floor-level thrust served to bring the action right up to the audience.

Women & Wallace
May 2019 - Tampa International Fringe Festival
Director, Designer: Jesse Desrosiers
Stage Manager: Kali Ashurst
This fever-dream of a play toed the line between absurdist comedy and Freudian drama. Utilizing a fringe-friendly minimal set, distinct areas of the stage were established for Wallace to explore his memories. All 8 women were bravely played by the same actress, creating fascinating opportunities for unique scene changes and subtle nods towards Wallace's somewhat Oedipal obsession.

Can't Happen Here
April 2018 - Florida Players
Director, Playwright, Producer: Jesse Desrosiers
Stage Manager: Jo Evangelista
I wrote this modern adaptation of Sinclair Lewis's It Can't Happen Here in response to the 2016 election. It was rehearsed over a two month period, included basic costume, scenic, and sound design, and live musical performances. I explored both plot-driven and non-linear approaches to storytelling. The actors were also invited into the creative process to develop their characters' arcs and motivations.
Assistant Director

...And Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi
January 2020 - UF School of Theatre + Dance
Director: Dr. Colleen Rua | Asst. Director: Jesse Desrosiers
Scenic Designer: Samantha Lewis | Lighting Designer: Ryan Bailey
Costume Designer: Kami Lagrosa | Sound Designer: James Dennis
Stage Manager: Julia Schack | Photographer: Suzanna Mars
This play presents a version of the myth of Demeter as an allegory for racism, identity, and family in Louisiana during the Civil War. Stylized movement, moments in slow-motion, song, dance, and rap were all utilized to showcase the other-worldly nature of the characters. The set emphasized the importance of the River and the quilting-together of the many stories within and without the play.
Raised in Captivity
October 2018 - Florida Players
Director: Raul Duran | Asst. Director: Jesse Desrosiers
Scenic Designer: Ryley Valenti | Lighting Designer: Jordan Lindquist
Costume Designer: Rebeka Clow | Sound Designer: Hilary Cheren
Photographer: Noah Ponte
The human need for connection; the loneliness and desperation one can feel even when surrounded by others. Based in realism with a decidedly surrealist twist, this tragi-comedy was a therapy session of a production which asked audiences: Is loving another even possible? Or is love simply a screen onto which we project?